Exploring the Benefits of Using FAE Forestry Mulchers for Land Clearing
What are FAE forestry mulchers? How do these machines work for land clearing? Learn more about forestry mulching and mulchers in this guide.
Exploring the Benefits of Using FAE Forestry Mulchers for Land Clearing
Did you know we lose 10 million hectares yearly due to land clearing, natural disasters, and deforestation? Now more than ever companies are looking for sustainable ways to clear land without contributing to the problem.
Luckily, there are advances in the field that could clear land without leaving behind a large carbon footprint. Advances like FAE forestry mulchers are growing in popularity because of their economic and sustainable ways.
If you want to be part of the solution, and not the problem, keep reading.
What Is FAE Forestry Mulching and How Does It Work?
FAE forestry mulchers are different from other methods of land clearing. For starters, forestry mulching doesn't use burning or chemical techniques.
Typically, a FAE forestry mulcher uses a powerful mulcher attachment to excavate unwanted rubble. The machine works by rotating its drums in combination with the FAE mulcher teeth.
With this process, the rubble gets shredded into a fine mulch. This mulch is then used to create new growth in the area, making land profitable and healthy.
The Environmental Benefits of Utilizing FAE Forestry Mulchers
Land clearing can be very beneficial for soil if done correctly. Forestry mulching offers a solution by clearing land and contributing to richer soil. But how?
First, with a FAE forestry mulcher, the grounds get leveled which promotes new growth. The only product that's left behind is finely ground mulch. This mulch allows for natural erosion and better water intake.
With all these benefits, the surrounding ecosystems are also positively affected. Once other ecosystems begin to thrive, a chain reaction of positive change can occur.
What Types of Terrains Can FAE Forestry Mulchers Clear?
FAE mulcher teeth streamline the land-clearing process for various terrains. They are not exclusive to flat green lands. A FAE forestry mulcher can clear hilly areas, dense terrain, and un-leveled grounds.
This powerful tool can also clear old land that's been inactive for years. This is great for lands that have been abandoned due to lack of funding. Thus, contributing to new land that can be used for profit or other agricultural needs.
How Does a FAE Forestry Mulcher Compare to Other Methods of Land Clearing?
Other methods of land clearing can be very expensive and not as effective.
With FAE forestry mulchers, the costs are significantly reduced because of the speed. On average, a FAE forestry mulcher can clear about 4 acres per day. With other methods, it can take days, if not weeks, to clear land.
FAE forestry mulchers also clear land with one or two passes. Other methods may take multiple passes to get a fine mulch. All these factors reduce operational and labor expenses.
Find the Best Fae Forestry Mulchers
FAE forestry mulchers are the best way to clear land if you care about sustainability and costs. As an innovative leader in this industry, we highly recommend you visit our website.
From there, you can find more information on how you can rent a state-of-the-art FAE mulcher. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for any added questions or concerns.